Today isn’t that busy

So, I should be able to get back here later today, and finish my tale of weeklong frustration.

It was actually nice outside. In Florida. In May. Go figure. I was out there eating a banana—my first meal of the day, and it’s 4:02 pm EDT—and having iced coffee. I had to retreat indoors because flies came out of nowhere and wanted my food. So annoying.

Oxalis in my front yard. I took this about 2022. It’s not as prevalent this year because these prolific, nasty weeds are everywhere, including in some of my potted plants. I’ve been too occupied with other pressing crap to deal with them. I hope there’s a spray on weed killer that’s not environmentally toxic, but probably not.I hate those weeds

I’m thrilled that the landlord finally, after seven years, fixed our outdoor (one of them) faucet and can can now water my plants via the hose Rose got us. Thanks to flies I am back inside, though.

Maybe I should make some real food. Stress has my appetite all wonky.


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