Took a little break today

Today, meaning Saturday, as I have yet to sleep Saturday night.

I was a bum all day Saturday. I needed it.

Sign hanging in the entryway at Sprout’s in Winter Park. I took this photo in Spring 2021.

Sunday I have to go to my employer and show them how I did not get paid the five hours of vacation time I requested and was approved for. I’m so glad I took screen shots. This is one of the shitty things I dealt with this week that I will talk about when I return to finish the tale of my shitty week.

I’m terrified of money shortages (during my knee replacement surgery and recovery), my short term disability isn’t paying out yet. Unum is the ridiculous company I have to deal with. Walmart used Sedgwick, which is one of the few things Walmart got right.

Image stolen from internet. It’s inspired by the Pamela Colman Smith designed Tarot deckthe Rider-Waite deck.

Private message here:

enigmatic yard prankster—stop pranking me until you are 100% available. It makes it seem like you are making changes in that situation. Isn’t that unfair? Btw, separation doesn’t count. Then talk to me face to face. Please. I’m sure you can do it. God knows you’ve accomplished things that are a lot harder. You owe ME the explanations, not the other way around.

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