I think I’m turning a corner

I finally feel like I’m on the mend, that my knee is healing.

I wish I could post some current photos, but I maxed out my image space on my blog. I have to upgrade to get more space. I just haven’t had the money—for two years.

At this point, I’ve been home from my ER visit to Advent Health for about a week. A week ago Monday, my roommate was helping me out of the tub when she noticed possible pus. She took me to to the ER.

I got about eight vials of blood taken, and overflowed a bottle of urine as a sample. They said I was possibly septic. They admitted me.

Two days went by and my diagnosis changed to allergic reaction to the bandage adhesive. That’s what I thought it was from the start as the skin directly under the bandage, all the way around was bright red; it looked like a bad sunburn. It felt like a bad sunburn. Two days ago it started peeling like a bad sunburn.

This has been an exhausting experience. I’m just wiped out. Much of that exhaustion stems from the stress over financial shortages and dealing with the worst HR company in existence: Unum. I’ve been waiting for over a month to start receiving my short term disability I feel like this is going to come to an all out war. Two separate days I was supposed to get called by my case manager. No calls. No messages. They give me a different story every time I call.

I don’t need this stress on top of the stress of trying to heal.

I want to write more on this later. I’m just too exhausted right now.

Haven’t been having much of this lately. Not in the mood. That’s a clue.

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