Knee surgery is not working out as planned

Yep, this is how I feel, I took this photo at my local Winter Springs Publix grocery store.

It’s 3:43 am EDT. I’m currently in an ER exam room at Advent Health in Altamonte Springs.

Rose ( not her real name) brought me here after she’d just been discharged from her three day stay at Orlando Health in Longwood. She was helping me of my sit down shower when she glanced at my surgical knee and saw what looked like pus. It wasn’t oozing. It felt like a bubble. Shit. It wasn’t there yesterday. I lacked a fever and any other signs of infection, except redness that wasn’t subsiding since I removed the bandages on Sunday morning. The only other weird thing was my appetite being wonky.

We arrived at the ER around 9 pm. They took so many vials of blood out of me, I felt like a pin cushion. I gave them a full bottle of urine. It actually overflowed onto my hand and I almost dropped the bottle. I think they’ve taken my blood pressure about 20 times. I’m hooked up to a machine that automatically takes it at intervals.

Rose was with me in this little exam room when an ER doctor ( didn’t catch her name) entered with two MORE nurses. Septic. I fit the profile for someone having sepsis, I was going to be admitted. And, I could be here for several days because it takes several days to ferret out what’s causing the infection. I was going tigers CT scan, and they put me on a IV of broad spectrum antibiotics and morphine. There’s also the possibility that the orthopedic will have to cut my knee open again. Oh yay!!!

After about a half an hour of IV meds I got taken for my CT scan (with contrast). That was about 2.5 hours ago,

Gimmie the energy of this Tarot card.

Rose stayed till about 1 am. As soon as were told I was being admitted I told her, “Go. Thanks for everything, but go home and rest.” I’m very grateful for her helping me and pointing out the scary stuff with my knee.

It’s 4:18 am and they finally brought me two sandwiches and orange juice; I had not eaten in about ten hours.

I’m full of morphine, which made me drowsy for a couple of hours. But, I’m so stressed, I’m wired. I’m watching all the murder and mayhem stories on the Oxygen channel.

I am seriously stressed over money issues. I’ve been waiting almost a WHOLE MONTH for disability checks.

If anyone reading this can help me out financially, I will greatly appreciate it.

You can send me funds to eith if these accounts.


Venmo: @SPAMMY0219

Thank you.

Here goes the blood pressure cuff again—second time since I started typing this.

Note: I just corrected the account info on my Venmo account. I had the numerical part incorrect. The correct numbers are 0219.

Thanks, Connie

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